Crowded teeth affecting your child’s smile? Consider braces for kids

When your child has crowded teeth, it can really have a negative effect on their smile. Not only does crowding affect the appearance of your child’s smile, but it can also make it much harder to keep those teeth healthy and clean. If not corrected, crowded teeth can lead to other problems in adulthood, such as TMJ disorders. You want to start now and make that smile a top priority. Braces for kids could be the best solution that you could choose when you are putting your child’s teeth at the top of your list.

Give your child a reason to flash those pearly whites

You do not want to hold your child back in any way. That includes dealing with a crowded mouth. Turn to our orthodontists in Oak Lawn to learn about options for your child, including braces for kids. Thanks to innovations in the field of orthodontics, you have so many options that can help your child’s smile to truly shine. Palatal expansion, tooth extraction, and spacers may be part of your child’s treatment plan before it is time for brackets and wires. The sooner you get started for your child, the sooner you will see those results.

Watch the transformation happen with your child’s smile

You have only seen your child’s crowded mouth. You want to know what it would be like to see straight, properly aligned teeth. Digital imagery makes it possible for our orthodontist to show you an image of what your child’s teeth could look like after orthodontic treatment. From that point, you can sit down and talk about specifics. Learn what will be expected when it comes to putting braces on your child’s teeth, how long treatment will last, and what type of care will be necessary to maintain results. Learn why it is important to correct teeth and what type of treatment plan will be most effective for your child. While there are many alternatives, only our experienced orthodontists can create a personalized treatment plan that will best suit the needs of your child.

Book a free braces for kids consultation

You know that there is a problem with your child’s teeth. You can see the crowding and know that it is getting in the way of your little one’s smile. Our orthodontists at Petty & Bielik Orthodontics are the best source to get rid of crowding problems. Make an appointment at our office in Oak Lawn for an initial evaluation. Our orthodontist will take a comprehensive look at your child’s teeth, pinpoint problem areas, and choose a treatment plan that will give your child a beautiful smile. The sooner you begin, the sooner you will see the best results. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation appointment for your little one.